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- Gurgaon
- Chandigarh
- Chennai
- Noida
- Bengaluru (Bangalore)
- Mumbai
- Hyderabad
- Jaipur
- Amritsar
- Kolkata
- Pune
- Jammu Tawi
Zero Tolerance for Bleeding Gums (ZT4BG)
Office Contact:
Dr. Virmani's Dental Centre
Dr. Yogesh K Virmani
Flat 260, Pocket C-8, Sector 8,
Rohini, New Delhi - 110085
Phone: +91-11 -27947179
Phone: +91-11-27942324
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr.Binita Srivastava (BDS (Hons), MDS, FPFA, FICD - Noida)
E-mail - [email protected]![]() |
Dr. Binita Srivastava
B-14, Sector 33, NOIDA
New Delhi--110058
Phone : 0120 - 250 5505/435 2684
Cell : 9810343506
- Clinical Training in Pediatric Dental Care, Glasgow Dental School,
Glasgow, U.K. July 2000.
- 6th International Congress on Oral Cancer, New Delhi. India. Feb 15th to 18th, 1999.
- 3rd Triennial Commonwealth Dental Association and 54th Indian Dental Conference, New Delhi India. Dec.8th to 10th, 1999.
- 1st World Congress on Sports Dentistry and Dental Traumatology. Boston. U.S.A. June 2001.
- Nobel Biocare World Conference at Las Vegas, 20-24 May, 2007
- 1st International Conference on Thesis Writing & Scientific Publishing at Balaji Dental & Craniofacial Hospital, Chennai, 6th -7th Feb 2008
- 4th International IALD (Indian Academy of Laser Dentistry) Conference at Mumbai, 3rd & 4th April 2010.
- 3M ESPE Key Opinion Leader Symposium, 16 - 18 May 2010,
Columbo, Sri lanka. - ICDRO World Congress 2011, Pune, Jan 2011
- Co-author- Primary reconstruction of mandible after excision of Ameloblastoma, a Study of 20 cases. 14th International Conference of AOMS, April 1999, Washington DC, USA.
- TMJ Ankylosis –Functional and esthetic considerations-a study of sixty cases.15th International Conference of AOMS, April 2001 Durban, South Africa.
- Sequelae of longstanding trauma – a study of twenty cases. 1st World Congress on Sports Dentistry and Dental Traumatology. June 2001, Boston USA.
- Surgical Correction of Hypoplastic Mandible.16th International Conference of AOMS, 14th to 20th May, 2003 Athens, Greece
- Is Distraction an Alternative or Adjunctive to Orthognathic Surgery.1st Indo-Lanka Joint Conference on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. 21st -22nd June2003. Colombo.
- Surgical Correction of Open Bite deformities.. 2005. 17th International Conference of AOMS, 29th Aug. to 2nd Sept., 2005, Vienna, Austria.
- Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery: Who Does What? When? 3rd World Edgewise Orthodontic Congress 40th Indian Orthodontic Conference.11th-13th, November 2005.Chandigarh, India.
- 12th Annual Conference of AOMSI, Lko. 5th -7th Dec. 1986
- 2nd South Delhi Dental Conference. New Delhi.
- All India Dental Students’ Convention,& 3rd Triennial Commonwealth Dental Association & 54th Indian Dental Association Congress, 8th -10th Dec.1999, MAMC, New Delhi.
- 3rd Triennial Commonwealth Dental Association & 54th Indian Dental Association Congress, 28th Jan -1st Feb 2000.
- 28th UP State Dental Conference,Dec.2003 Aligarh
- 2nd National PG Convention of ISPPD, Mangalore, 14th & 15th May 2005.
- Delhi Dental Update – 2005,15th -16th Oct.2005,New Delhi
- 30th UP State Dental Conference, 18th – 20th Nov. 2005 Khajuraho
- 59th Indian Dental Conference at Ludhiana Pb. 27th -30th Jan 2006.
- 13th National Conference of Indian society of Oral Implantologists. 17th -19th Nov. 2006. New Delhi
- “Optimal Esthetics 2006”, NCPA ,Mumbai, (24-26 Feb 2006)
- 3rd PG Convention of ISPPD, Chennai, 24th -25th June 2006.
- 28th Annual Conference of ISPPD, 12th -14th Nov., 2006 Rohtak
- 13th National Conference of Indian Society of Oral Implantologists, 17-19 Nov.,2006, New Delhi
- “Pathway to Future Perfect”, Diamond Jubilee Conference of IDA, Pune 4th -7th Jan 2007.
- 4th PG Convention of ISPPD, June 2007, Chandigar
- 5th PG Convention of ISPPD March 2008 Ludhiana
- 29th National Conference of ISPPD Nov. 21-23, 2007 Bangalore.
- 30th Annual Conference of ISPPD Nov.13th – 15th 2008, Hyderabad
- The Famdent Show 2009, New Delhi 24th- 26th July 2009
- 31st Annual Conference of ISPPD Nov 2009 Ghaziabad UP
- 10th Annual State Conference of IDA Tripura State Branch, 19th &20th Dec 2009
- 7th National PG Convention of ISPPD 6th & 7th March 2010, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
- 32nd Annual Conference of ISPPD & International Association of Pediatric Dentistry Regional Meet at Amritsar 12th -14th Nov 2010
NATIONAL PRESENTATIONS - Computerized Tomography in Mid Face Trauma: Axial & Coronal Scans; 12th Annual Conference of AOMSI, Lko. (Author & Speaker) Dec.1986. 2nd Best Paper Prize (Student).
- Temporomandibular Joint Evaluation by Computed Tomography; 12th Annual Conference of AOMSI, Lko. (Co-author) Dec 1986. Best Paper Prize & GINWALA Running Trophy.
- Facial Osteotomies. 2nd South Delhi Dental Conference (Co-author)
- Medical Emergencies in Dental Practice (Author), All India Dental Students Convention, 3rd Triennial Commonwealth Dental Association & 54th Indian Dental Association Congress, 8th –10th Dec.1999, AMC, New Delhi.
- Oral Cancer – An Overview (Author), AIDSC, 3rd TCDA & 54th IDAC, Dec.1999, MAMC New Delhi.
- “Tubercular Lesions of Maxillofacial Region”.(Co-Author), 9th Mid Term Conference AOMSI, 3-5 June 2004, Dharwad.
- “Transport Distraction in Mandibular Defects.29th Annual Conference of AOMSI, 3rd -6th December 2003, Mangalore.
- “Distraction Osteogenesis – A Widening horizon for a Pedodontist”. 29th Annual Conference of ISPPD, 2007 Bangalore.
- “Denta Scan”- 29th Annual Conference of ISPPD, Nov. 2007 Bangalore (Author)
- “ Two sides of a Coin ”- 30th Annual Conference of ISPPD, Hyderabad 2008
- “Smear Layer- A friend or enemy: A dilemma!!”, 30th ISPPD, Hyderabad, November 2008 (Author).
- “MTA or Vitapex- Role in furcation repair” 30th ISPPD, Hyderabad, November 2008 (Author)
- “Pediatric Local Anaesthesia: made easier” 30th ISPPD, Hyderabad, November 2008 (Author)
- “Teledentistry: What it is now, what will it be tomorrow” 30th ISPPD, Hyderabad, November 2008 (Author)
- Microleakage: GIC vs. GIC + CPP-ACP (Author) 31st Annual Conference of ISPPD, ITS, Muradnagar, GZB
- “What to consume? - A Dilemna !!!” (Author) 31st Annual Conference of ISPPD, ITS, Muradnagar, GZB
- Ouch… U R Hurting me!!! (Author) 31st Annual Conference of ISPPD, ITS, Muradnagar, GZB
- Variations in anatomy of mandible: presence of accessory foramina. (Author) 31st Annual Conference of ISPPD, ITS, Muradnagar, GZB
- “Stems in Life”- 32nd National ISPPD Conference & IAPD Regional Meet, 12th – 14th Nov.2010 Amritsar
- Pediatric Dental Trauma & Avulsion of Teeth”, Guest Lecture and Panel Discussion Expert at CME held at Dept. of Burns Plastics & Maxillofacial Surgery, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi (19-21 March 2004).
- “Pulp Therapy in Deciduous Dentition”, Guest Lecture at Annual Scientific Meet of IDA Noida branch (12th Dec 2004)
- “Traumatic Injuries in children”. Guest Lecture at CDE of
IDA Jammu Branch. (June 2005) - “Pediatric Dental Trauma”, Guest Lecture in CME Workshop on Minor Oral Surgical Skills, Bone Plating and Dental Implantology, at DJ College of Dental Sciences & Research, Modinagar, 17th & 18th April 2006.
- “Dental Esthetics”, Guest Lecture in CME at Rockland Hospital, New Delhi (Sept. 2006).
- “Total Rehabilitation in Deciduous Dentition”, Guest Lecture at CDE Programme at DJ College of Dental Sciences & Research, Modinagar UP. (8th Dec 2006).
- “Functional & Esthetic Rehabilitation In Deciduous Dentition”, Guest Lecture at 17th Annual Conference of IDA Faridabad Branch (16-17 Dec.,2006)
- “Esthetic Considerations in Dental Rehabilitation”. Guest lecture at CME, Arrah (Bihar) 2007.
- “Pedo Trident”. Guest Lecture at CDE Programme at Sardar Patel Post Graduate Institute of Dental & Medical Sciences, Lucknow. (7th Feb, 2009)
- “Trauma to Anterior teeth and its management”, Guest Lecture at 10th State Annual Conference of IDA Tripura State Branch, Agartala.(19th & 20th Dec.,2009)
- “Esthetic Dentistry”, ”, Guest Lecture at 10th State Annual Conference of IDA Tripura State Branch, Agartala.(19th & 20th Dec.,2009)
- www.pediatricdentistry.world , Brig J.K.Gupta Oration Lecture at Annual Scientific meet of IDA Noida Branch Jan 2011, Noida
- Treatment of Unilateral massetric Hypertrophy with Botulinum Toxin : Four Cases ”.At 17th International Conference of Oral & maxillofacial Surgery, Vienna, Austria. 29th Aug – 2nd Sept 2005.
- Are We Healers or Killers; High Time to introspect. At 28th Annual Conference of ISPPD, Rohtak, 12th to 14th Nov. 2006.
- “Early Childhood caries is a severe problem – wake up”. At 29th Annual Conference of ISPPD, 21st -23rd Nov 2007 Bangalore.
- “Child Abuse – Lets Unite to put an end to this heinous Crime against God’s innocent souls”. At 29th Annual Conference of ISPPD, 21st -23rd Nov 2007 Bangalore.
- “Tooth Voyage: Foetus to birth” ; 30th Annual Conference of ISPPD, Hyderabad, November 2008
- Genetic counseling- guidelines for would be mother (Co- Author); 30th ISPPD, Hyderabad, November 2008
- “Teen Trends” (Author) 31st Annual Conference of ISPPD at ITS, Muradnagar, GZB, 12th -14th Nov 2009
- “Oral Probiotics - A New Tool to Fight Oral Calamity” (Author), 31st Annual Conference of ISPPD at ITS, Muradnagar, GZB, 12th -14th Nov 2009
- E. POSTER - “SYNDOPDONTIA - A Challenge to Esthetic Dentistry” (Author), 17th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Esthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry, Le Meridian, New Delhi.29th Oct - 1st Nov. 2009
- E. POSTER - “ No Drill Dentistry - The Rage”
(An Insight View). (Co- Author) 7th PG Convention of ISPPD, Udaipur. 6th-7th March 2010.
- “A Cross-Sectional Study to Evaluate Variations in Attached Gingiva & Gingival Sulcus in Three Periods of Dentition.”Published in the International Journal of Clinical Pedriatic Dentistry Vol.15 no. –1,1990 Birmingham.
- Primary Reconstruction Of the Mandible following the excision of ameloblastoma- A Study of twenty cases. International Journal Of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Vol.29, 1999 Supplement no. 1.
- TMJ Ankylosis Functional and Esthetics consideration – a study of sixty cases: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery vol. 30 2001 supplement A.
- Surgical Correction of Hypoplastic Mandible. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Vol. 32, Supplement No. 1, S3, April 2003.
- Surgical Correction of Open Bite deformities. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Vol. 34, Supplement No. 1, S3, Aug. 2005.
- Osteochondroma of Condyle: Indian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery Vol. 16 No. 1, March 2001. - Trismus Stimulating Ankylosis: Indian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery Vol. 16 No.3, September 2001. - Ear infection &TMJ Ankylosis: Indian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery Vol.16 No.4, December 2001 - Fracture Mandible associating Tuberculosis Osteomyelitis: A case report.
Indian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.Vol.17 No.2, June 2002. - Aberrantly placed Lower Third Molar in the Subcondylar region –A case
report, Indian Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery .2002:1:1:15-16 - Distraction Osteogenesis in Asymmetrical Facial Deformities. Indian
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2002:17:3:77-82. - Role of Botulinium Toxin in unilateral Massetric Hypertrophy.Indian
Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery.2003: 2:1,7-9. - The Buccal Fat pad in Oral Reconstruction, Indian Journal of
Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery vol.; 2 2003:2:2 5-9 - Giant calculi in the submandibular Duct –A case report. Journal of
Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery .2003:2:3:44-46. - Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic tumor –A case report. Journal of
Maxillofacial and Oral surgey.2003: 2:4:47-49 - Juvenile Aggressive Cemento-ossifying Fibroma of Maxilla; Journal of
Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery. 2004: 3:2, 25-26. - Compound Composite Odontoma Associated with Maxillary Permanent
Central incisor Tooth; A Case Report; Healtalk Dental Journal Vol II,
Issue 3,Jan- Feb.2010 - Pediatric Local Anesthesia - Made Easier; Healtalk Dental Journal Vol
II, Issue 4, March- April. 2010 - Artificial Sweeteners and their Anti Cariogenicity; Healtalk Dental
Journal Vol II, Issue 4, March- April. 2010
- Denta Scan; Journal of Oral Health & Community Dentistry. In 2009
- “Comparative Evaluation of Working Length Using Digital Radiography, IOPA X-Ray and Electronic Apex Locator ,in the presence of different Irrigants:An In Vitro Study” is accepted for publication in Baba Farid University Dental Journal.2011
PAPERS UNDER REVIEW FOR PUBLICATION - A Comparative Evaluation of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) & Calcium Hydroxide / Iodoform Paste as Reparative Agent in Furcation Involvement in Deciduous Teeth: A Clinical & Radiographic Study ; International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry. Submitted on 10th May 2009.
- Rashi’s paper
- Co -Author of Book: Multiple Choice Questions in Dental Science. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi (1st Ed.)1993. 2nd Edition – 2001.
- Contributer : Textbook of Pediatric Dentistry by Dr Nikhil Marwah. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd New Delhi. 2009.
- Workshop on Maxillofacial Trauma & Titanium Mini Bone Plating (1998), New Delhi.
- 3D- Master & Metal Free Ceramic Workshop (1999) By VITA Germany.NEW DELHI.
- CDE Programme, “Tooth Coloured Restorations- Steps to Clinical Success” By 3M. Jan.2000, New Delhi.
- Pre Conference Course on “Management of Discolored teeth”, on 27th Jan 2000 at 3rd Triennial Commonwealth Dental Association & 54th Indian dental Association Congress, New Delhi.
- CME Workshop & Live Demonstration on “Minor Oral Surgical Skills, Bone Plating and Dental Implantology” by VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital and AOMSI, 19th -21st March 2004, New Delhi.
- CDE Programme, “Precision Plus-Impression Workshop”, By 3M ESPE.May 2004.New Delhi.
- Health Care Waste Management Programme, By AMC Noida at Transmed
Diagnostics, 7th Aug 2004. - One Day Course, “Dentistry in Children, With A Difference” By Indian Academy of Restorative Dentistry, 16th Jan. 2005 New Delhi.
- CDE Programme, “Post & Core…..And More”, by 3M ESPE Restorative Workshops. 8th May 2005, New Delhi.
- Workshop on “Pediatric Basic Life Support & Advanced Cardiac Life Support, 14th – 15th May 2005, Mangalore.
- Hands on Course on Dental Implants, at 30th UP State Dental Conference, 18th Nov. 2005.Khajuraho.
- Seminar on “Technological Advancements, Techniques & Latest Trends on Adhesive Dentistry”, in CDE Programme ‘Bond with Bertolotti’.21st Jan.2006.
- “Optimal Esthetics 2006”,CDE Programme conducted by Accelerated Dental Learning Centre (USA), at NCPA Mumbai, 24th -26th Feb.2006.
- ”Dentistry Upgraded” CDE Programme by IDA Noida Branch, 26th March, 2006, Noida.
- CDE Programme by Morita, Kuraray Dental, ‘Bond with Bertolotti’ on Technological Advancements, Techniques & Latest Trends on Adhesive Dentistry, Jan 2006, New Delhi
- Hands on Workshop on “Mastering Endodontic Excellence”, organized by Dentsply on 20th May 2006, New Delhi. (Course conducted by DR.JULIANWEBBER).
- Lecture Programme “’Jewel in the Crown’- Innovative Prosthodontic Options & Secrets for Successful Practice” by 3M ESPE,23rd July 2006, New Delhi
- Seminar on “Smile Designing, Practice Management & Implantology – Biology in Clinical Implantology”,20th Aug 2006, New Delhi
- Lecture & Hands-on on “Post & core Build ups in Daily Practice: a Simple contemporary approach” by Dental Practitioners Forum of India, 27th Aug 2006
- CDE Programme, Workshop on Post & Core – Post Endodontic Restoration, By IDA Noida Branch, 24th Sept 2006
- Live Surgery on “Immediate loading of Dental Implants”,13th National Conference of Indian Society of Oral Implantologists, 17-19 Nov.,2006, New Delhi
- Hands on Workshop on “Rotary Instruments in Endodontic Treatment” and lecture on “Treatment of Medically Compromised Patients”,at CDE Programme on 4th Feb 2007 organised by IDA Noida Branch.
- Lecture on “Restorative Options in Contemporary Practice : Expanding Horizons”.by Dr. Fred Calavassy at MAMC, Delhi 8th April 2007.Conducted by 3M ESPE & IARD.
- Preconference Course on “Research Methodology” By Dr. Saurabh Dutta at 4th PG Convention of ISPPD at PGIMER Chandigarh June 2007
- Preconference Course on “Endodontics under Operating Microscope” By Dr. P.D.Joshi at 4th PG Convention of ISPPD at PGIMER Chandigarh June 2007
- Lecture on “Esthetics & the Dental Patient: Harness Nano Technology in Clinical Dentistry”,by Dr. Madhav Murthy organized by 3M ESPE and IDA Noida branch 29th July 2007
- Lecture / Hands on by Dr Ajit Shetty on “Ceramease…Ceramics Made
easy”.29th & 30th Sept 2007.Organised by 3M ESPE Delhi. - ”Occlusion : Maintaining Harmony”,lecture / hands on programme conducted by Dr. Paresh Kale, organized by 3M ESPE, Delhi, 15th & 16th Dec 2007.
- Lecture / hands on in “Refreshing Your Endodontics” by Dr. Rajiv Chugh organized by Dentsply at Noida on 24th Feb 2008.
- Preconference Course on “Teaching Methodologies” By Dr. Tejinder Singh at 5th PG Convention of ISPPD at CDC, Ludhiana. March 2008
- Preconference Course on “Conscious Sedation” By Dr. N. Srinivas at 5th PG Convention of ISPPD at CDC, Ludhiana. March 2008.
- Lecture on “Predictable Fixed Prosthodontics: The Tooth Shapers final protocol”by Dr. Rajiv Verma, Delhi 10th Aug2008.
- CDE Programme “PEDODONTICS UPDATE 2008”,organized by ITS Centre for Dental Studies & Research. 18th & 19th Aug 2008.
- Lecture / Hands on programme on :”Fixed Prosthodontics Made Easy Now”by Dr. Y.K.Virmani . Noida IDA & 3M ESPE 28th Sept 2008.
- Continuing educational course on Oral Laser Application by Prof. Alfred Resch.(Professor of Cagliari University). Organised by Tracom Infomex – Creation September 2008
- “Recent Advances in Pediatric Dentistry”CDE programme at SGT Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Gurgaon. 14th Oct 2008
- Lecture & hands on in “Problem Solving in Endodontics”, by Dr. P.D.Joshi at IDA Noida 29th March 2009.
- CDE Programme held at Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Subharti Dental College, Meerut on 6th April 2009
- Lecture on “Crown Preparation, Impressions & Provisionals” by Dr. Hemant Sachdev organized by IDA Noida branch on 20th September 2009
- Workshop and Live demonstration on Nasal and Facial Deformities in cleft lip and palate (RHINORTH), 31stOctober- 1st November 2009, New Delhi
- CDE Programme by 3M ESPE, “Protecting Tomorrow’s Smiles”, New Delhi, 14th Feb 2010.
- “Dental Competence” CDE Programme on Direct Restorations & Aesthetic Dentistry,by Dr Arun Rajpara (Ivoclar Vivadent) held at Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Santosh Dental College & Hospital Ghaziabad.18th Feb 2010.
- CDE Multispecialty Dentistry - The Road Ahead (Focus- CBCT, Implantology & Endodontics), 21st March,2010, AIIMS New Delhi.
- Pre Congress Corporate Forum on “ Perio- Plastic Surgery in Total”, by Dr. P.D.Miller at the ICDRO World Congress at Pune on 14th Jan.2011
- Lecture & hands on course on “Digital Dental Photography”,New Delhi,10th Sept,2010,in Dentistry Vision 2010
- Lecture & hands on course on “Endodontics in New Millenium”,New Delhi,10th Sept,2010,in Dentistry Vision 2010
- Lecture with Hands on in “Basics in Endodontics Treatment” by Dr. Vivek Hegde in Manav Rachana Dental College at Delhi on 4th Dec. 2010
- CDE on “Redefining Treatment Goals in Dentistry”, on 4th April 2011 at AIIMS, New Delhi.
- Assessment of Dimensional Differences in the Attached Gingiva an Gingival Sulcus in the Primary, Mixed and Permanent Dentition
- Comparative Evaluation of desensitizing efficacy between tooth creams containing CPP-ACP and Tri Calcium Phosphate with 0.2% NaF and 0.21%NaF
- A Comparative Evaluation of MTA & Calcium Hydroxide – Iodoform Paste as Reparative Agent in Furcation Involvement in Deciduous Teeth”. – A Clinical & Radiological Study.
- “Effects of Various Root Canal Irrigants on Removal of Smear Layer & Debris in Vitro” – A Scanning Electro microscopic (SEM) Study.
- Comparative Evaluation of Micro leakage Between Glass Ionomer Cement and Glass Ionomer Cement + Casein Phosphopeptide – Amorphous Calcium phosphate : A Combined In vivo – in vitro Study
- A Comparative Evaluation of Changes in salivary pH following the Consumption of ‘Cola Drink’, ‘Milk Chocolate’,and ‘Sugar free Chewing Gum’ in Children. A Clinical Study
- Comparative Evaluation of Radiographic Working Length in the presence of Different Irrigants, Using Digital Radiography, IOPA X-ray and Electronic Apex Locator : An in- vitro Study
- Mixed dentition space analysis in western UP Indian population
- Comparative Evaluation of Oral Candida Albicans Carriage in Children with and without Dental Caries - A Microbiological Study.
- Prevalence of Dental Caries Among 3-15 yrs old School Children in Ghaziabad City and its Adjoining Areas - A Correlated Survey.
- Fellow Pierre Fauchard Academy U.S.A.
- Fellow International College of Dentists U.S.A.
- Indian Dental Association (Life Member). Noida Branch
- Indian Medical Association (Life Member) Noida Branch.
- Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry (Life Member)
- Dental Practitioners Forum of India (Regd.) Delhi. (Life Member).
- Indian Academy of Restorative Dentistry. New Delhi. (Life Member).
- Indian Academy of Laser Dentistry (Life Member)
- Association of Medical Clinics of Noida (Life Member)
- Member Senior Advisory Board, Heal Talk Dental Journal
Associate Editor, UPDENT Dental Newspaper.
Associate Editor, Journal Of UP state IDA
President Elect, IDA Noida Branch for the year 2011
Editor in Chief, “Noida Dentistree” News Letter of IDA Noida Branch.
Executive Committee member, Association of Medical Clinics of Noida. - Convenor CDE, IDA Noida Branch for year 2010
- President, IDA Noida Branch for the year 2005-2006.
- President Elect, IDA Noida Branch for the year 2004-2005.
- Vice President, Indian Dental Association Noida Branch for the years 2002-2004.
- Hon. Gen. Secretary Indian Dental Association Noida Branch for the years 2000-2002.
- Executive Committee member Indian Dental Association Noida Branch for
the years 1998-2000, 2007-2008, 2008-2009 - Executive Committee member Indian Dental Association U.P. State Branch for the year 2003- 2004.
- Co-Chairperson, Ladies Committee, 22nd Annual Conference of AOMSI, 5th to 8th Dec. 1996.